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Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Listed below are our terms of website use

Privacy Policy

1 Transtech will never retain or sell any personal information to third parties from your visit to our website; any personal information collected is done so unknowingly by Transtech.


1.1  All information sent to us via the contact us part of our web site is used to contact you with regards to your query and will be kept no longer than necessary.


(Privacy Policy clause)

Information such as and including geographic and times may be gathered for volume of traffic to our website only (This is for Transtech use only) and will NOT be sold or given to any third parties.

Terms of Use

Any and all information is to be used as a guide only and considered to be correct and current at time of being written. While we at Transtech try and keep this up to date, it is not always possible. All work will be quoted and authorised before being carried out, any additional work may be authorised via verbal or written agreement and done so in good faith. If unsure about anything you have seen on our website then please get in touch via the contact us tab at the top of the page, or give us a call on 01908 311230.

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